In 1935, Baron Empain, a Belgian business man of some renown, bough 1 500 hectares of land on the shores of Lake Masson. He called upon Belgian architect Antoine Courtens to conceive of a vast luxury resort, the Domaine d’Estérel. Over 2 years, the architect designed a series of modernist, white concrete buildings, breaking the established trend of rustic and traditional resorts that were common across Quebec.

Each move our team made was careful to respect and honor this distinctive style.
The first phase of the renovations focused our attention on the west wing, built in the 1950’s. With the addition of a fifth floor, the building is now comprised of 96 suites, a reception hall and a restaurant.
The second phase involved the construction of a new wing that houses an additional 105 suites, a conference center, a fitness center, and a lakeside spa, which is open year-round.
The renovations ensured the continued relevance of Hotel l’Estérel as one of Quebec’s premiere resorts. The project has since won multiple awards, including two gold medals from the Grands Prix du tourisme Québécois.

Photo credit : Alex St-Jean